CFD/EFD simulation/analysis/calculations flow/heat transfer
Holland Engineering Consultants (H.E.C.) has a long history in Computational Fluid Dynamics, also called CFD or flow and heat transfer calculations. In 2000 we introduced the FloEFD software in the Benelux. While supporting our customers with the software and using it during various consulting projects, we’ve gained a lot of experience using the software. We are still using that experience today in solving complex CFD simulations, e.g.:
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- Internal flow through piping systems and components, determining pressure drop.
- Air flow and heating in buildings, calculating comfort parameters.
- Flow around objects, buildings.
- Aerodynamics and determining the pressures and forces on an object.
- Rotating parts in fluids and gases.
- Cooling and heating with natural convection and forced flow.
- Evaporating fluids on surfaces.
- Burning of gases using combustion products, e.g. NOx.
- Fire in a parking garage or building (smoke development/heat spreading).
We also have software for other CFD calculations, such as:
- Free surface.
- Complex flows with two phases, sloshing, splashing.
- Moving or floating objects in a fluid.
It is also possible to do combined CFD-FEM analysis, e.g.:
- The influence of complex distributed temperatures and pressures on stresses and deformations, by first conducting a CFD analysis and using the results in a FEM analysis.